The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: LOTR New Zealand

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Bag End, Hobbiton, New Zealand

Destinations > Oceania > New Zealand > The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: LOTR New Zealand

The Lord of the Rings Film Locations Adventure

“How could New Zealand not bewitch anyone who visits?”
- Ian McKellen, a.k.a. “Gandalf”

Note: While using this guide you may see references to “The Company” and “The Fellowship”. The Company refers to the company of dwarves, including Bilbo and Gandalf, in the Hobbit trilogy. The Fellowship refers to, well - the Fellowship of the Ring in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

This list includes coordinates for the Lord of the Rings Film Locations - particularly because we found it extraordinarily difficult to find some of the locations that were mentioned in other articles on the internet because the locations were too vague.

This list is huge - and is comprised of the Lord of the Rings film locations mentioned, and listed, in the bonus features of the 6 films, “New Zealand: Home of Middle Earth”, as well as from many other sources here in New Zealand and online. Many of the coordinates were found through the help of the New Zealand Department of Conservation page as well as from the MovieMaps Middle Earth Saga page.

The difference here is that it is all laid out in one page and in an easy-to-use format that is broken out in the different LOTR New Zealand Regions, and even linked to each subsequent filming location in the double trilogy. Additionally, you’ll see a few buttons scattered throughout the article that will lead you to specific Lord of the Rings and Hobbit tours in those regions for the best possible experience.

Despite all of that effort, some minor locations, special tidbits, and information that only die-hard true fans would care about are missed in this article. You can get a full list, with hundreds of locations, in the book: Lord of the Rings Film Locations Guidebook: Completely Updated Edition by Ian Brodie. Despite that, this article includes far more information than the typical fan would need, so it should more than suffice for 99 percent of the fanbase.

Additionally, if you sign up for our mailing list (details near the end of this article), we’ll let you know about the specific filming locations for each season of the Amazon show - “The Rings of Power”.

Enjoy your adventure!

Hobbiton, New Zealand

Hobbiton, New Zealand

The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: North Island Guide

Hobbiton - Matamata

Hobbit Location 1 - “Hobbiton”

In “The Battle of the Five Armies”, Bilbo returns home to find out that his house and belongings are being auctioned off because he was presumed dead.

At the beginning of “The Fellowship of the Ring”, a number of things happen here - Frodo meets up with Gandalf, Biblo disappears at his birthday party and leaves to Rivendale, Frodo acquires The Ring, Gandalf convinces Frodo to go on an important adventure, and Sam is told to stay with Frodo.

>In addition to visiting Bag End -- home of Bilbo Baggins -- you can enjoy a meal in the Green Dragon Inn made famous in the Lord of the Rings. There are multiple tours which depart from Auckland, others which also visit Waitomo Caves, and an exclusive option to arrive early to tour around Hobbiton prior to the opening.<

Coordinates: 37°51'32.5"S 175°40'49.0"E

The next filming location in “An Unexpected Journey” is at Ohutu Station (North Island).
This is the final filming location for “The Battle of the Five Armies” and thus, the next filming location is the first one in “The Fellowship of the Ring” which is at Whakapapa Skifield.
The next filming location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” - after Hobbiton - is at Queenstown - Deer Park Heights (South Island).

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This photo is actually from the Weta Cave in Wellington but we thought it was more appropriate here

Piopio - Te Kuiti - Mangaotaki Valley

Hobbit Location 2 - “Trollshaw Forest”

In “An Unexpected Journey”, The Company arrives at an abandoned farmhouse, loses 2 ponies, and then gets captured by 3 Trolls. Next, Gandolf saves them from being roasted by the Trolls and they locate a nearby cave where Gandolf, Thorin, and Bilbo acquire elvish swords - including Sting. Radagast arrives and warns them of incoming orcs.

“Here, you can even stand on the mark that let Martin Freeman know he was meant to cry out in surprise at an attacking orc. The looming cliffs, unusual limestone rock formations and prehistoric forest at Mangaotaki Rocks, look as if they have been crafted by expert set dressers or digitally put there in post-production for Middle‑Earth. However, the truth is almost more remarkable. It is all real.”

The setting itself is on private land and can only be accessed as part of a Hairy Feet Waitomo Scenic Film Location Tour, where you'll experience the movie making magic for yourself.

Coordinates: 38°25'59.6"S 174°54'44.7"E

The next filming location in “An Unexpected Journey” is at Twizel - Braemar Station (South Island).

Weathertop. Photo by Robert Engberg via CC BY 2.0 on flickr

Hilltop near Port Waikato

Lord of the Rings Location - “Weathertop”

The hobbits decide to cook a meal on an old watchtower and lure in the Ring Wraiths while Aragorn is away. Frodo gets stabbed by the Lord of the Nazgul and requires immediate attention. Aragorn saves the hobbits.

Coordinates: 37°26'39.4"S 174°46'11.1"E - This is on Private Land

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Scene 17 Vineyard (South Island).

Mount Doom, Tongariro National Park

Mount Doom, Tongariro National Park

The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: Tongariro & Taupo Region

Ohutu Station

Hobbit Location - “Outskirts of Hobbiton”

This is the spot where Bilbo catches up with, and joins, The Company as they are riding out of Hobbiton in “An Unexpected Journey”.

It is also the location where Gandalf says goodbye to Bilbo at the end of “The Battle of the Five Armies".

Coordinates: 39°26'54.6"S 175°28'04.4"E

The next filming location in “An Unexpected Journey” is at Canaan Downs (South Island). The final location for “The Battle of the Five Armies” is at Hobbiton.

Aratiatia Rapids

Hobbit Location - “Forest River”

This is one of the locations in “The Desolation of Smaug” where the dwarves are floating down the river in barrels. Filming was done during the dam releases for rapids.

Coordinates: 38°37'03.2"S 176°08'22.7"E

The next location in “The Desolation of Smaug” is at Queenstown - South Slope of Niger Peak (South Island).

Turoa Skifield - Mt. Ruapehu

Hobbit Location 6 - “The Long Valley”

This is the valley where The Company is searching for the hidden door into the Lonely Mountain. Bilbo finds the stairway up the giant Dwarf statue here (although that is computer generated).

Coordinates: 39°18'47.5"S 175°30'56.6"E

This is the final location for “The Desolation of Smaug”. The next location is at the Shore of Lake Pukaki in “The Battle of the Five Armies”.

Meads Wall - the Gates of Mordor in Tongariro National Park

The Gates of Mordor - Meads Wall in Tongariro National Park

Mordor - Tongariro National Park

Gates of Mordor - Meads Wall in Tongariro National Park

Tukino skifield, Mt Ruapehu: Frodo, Sam and Gollum look out over the Gates of Mordor before setting out to climb around them.
Access: Walk in from gate on Tukino skifield road, off SH1
Coordinates: 39° 16.667'S 175° 36.626'E - view in Google maps (external site)  

Whakapapa skifield 

Lord of the Rings Location - “Mordor Fields” and “Emyn Muil”

Two locations are here. The first is where Isildur cuts off Sauron's finger and the Ring, in the prologue.

View of location: 39° 14.116'S 175° 33.529'E - view in Google maps (external site)
Actual Location: 39° 14.114'S 175° 33.522'E - view in Google maps (external site)

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Queenstown - Arrowtown Recreational Reserve.

The second filming location here is at the end of “The Fellowship of the Ring”, when Frodo & Sam catch Gollum and then Gollum leads them down into the crags of Emyn Muil.

Coordinates: 39° 14.177'S 175° 33.670'E - view in Google maps (external site)


Lord of the Rings Location - “Buckleberry Ferry” and “Culvert of Mordor”

This is where the hobbits cross Brandywine River to escape from the Black Riders. It is also used at the beginning of “The Return of the King” where Frodo and Sam rest before traveling into Mordor.

Coordinates: 39°25'04.9"S 175°23'54.5"E - Exact location is unknown.

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at the Former Fort Dorset.

Mangawhero River

Frodo and Sam pass a ruined column in a clearing. Ohakune area short walks
Access: Ohakune Mountain Rd
Coordinates: 39° 19.217'S 175° 30.315'E - view in Google maps (external site)

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Gollum’s Pool, Tongariro National Park, New Zealand

Gollum’s Pool, Tongariro National Park, New Zealand

Ithilien and Gollum’s Pool

Mangawhero River: Gollum catches a fish.

Ohakune area short walks
Tongariro National Park

Coordinates: 39° 19.161'S 175° 30.158'E - view in Google maps (external site)
Access: Ohakune Mountain Rd


Speaking of ski fields, Turoa on Mt Ruapehu was partly used as the entrance to the lonely mountain in the Desolation of Smaug.

Location: Turoa, Mt Ruapehu, North Island. Check out the Famous Lord of the Rings Filming Locations in Ruapehu for more information.

“The film crew only filmed here for a single day, but showed incredible care and dedication at trying not to disturb the area too much. They actually built a giant scaffold so that they wouldn’t crush, damage or disturb any of the native flora and fauna as they filmed scenes for the sequence that showed the company entering the Lonely Mountain in The Desolation of Smaug. The Tongariro Crossing, which is considered one of the best one-day walks in the world, is situated in this area.”

>For local Kiwi skiers and snowboarders, the Turoa ski area is a popular part of the largest skifield in New Zealand. For those on the trail of The Hobbit, however, the area around Turoa is better known as the entrance to The Lonely Mountain. Also known as Hidden Bay, this grassy tussock and rocky slope has the feel of an alpine outpost, and it's also the area from The Lord of the Rings where Gollum chased fish through the river. Not far away -- on the opposite side of the mountain -- is the volcanic section of Tongariro Park which was home to Mordor and the famous Mt. Doom.

Given the somewhat remote location and the distance from major cities (four to five hours from both Auckland and Wellington), the best way to visit the area around Turoa is by providing your own transportation. While here, be sure to do some hiking in Tongariro National Park, and the Tongariro Crossing is often considered as the best one-day hike in New Zealand.<

*The rocky slopes and grassy tussock of Turoa in Ruapehu was the setting for Hidden Bay, the entrance to the Lonely Mountain in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Turoa is a popular ski field on Mt Ruapehu in the Tongariro National Park. The area is also known for its breathtaking cycling and hiking trails, including The Tongariro Crossing which is considered one of the best one day walks in the world. Crew filmed here for one day, in which giant scaffolding was built down to the site in order to protect native flora and fauna on the mountain.*

Weta Workshop & Cave, Wellington, New Zealand

Weta Workshop & Cave, Wellington, New Zealand

The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: Wellington Region

Mt. Crawford - Stone Street Studios - Weta Workshop & Cave

Hobbit Location 11 - “The City of Dale”

A flashback to when Bilbo is talking about the City of Dale and how magnificent it was in “An Unexpected Journey”.

It was also used as the destroyed City of Dale, after Smaug set waste to it and where Bard and the other people from Laketown fight orcs during the final battle sequence in “The Battle of the Five Armies”.

Coordinates: 41.2942° S, 174.8273° E - This set is no longer standing

Otaki Gorge Road

Lord of the Rings Location - “Edge of the Shire”

This is the area where Frodo and Sam are led by Gandalf away from Hobbiton at the start of the journey. The exact location is on a private farm just off of this road.

Coordinates: 40°49'44.7"S 175°12'39.7"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Canaan Downs (South Island).

The Road to Bree, Mount Victoria Park, Wellington, New Zealand

The Road to Bree, Mount Victoria Park, Wellington, New Zealand

Mount Victoria Park

Lord of the Rings Location - “Road to Bree”

In “The Fellowship of the Ring”, four hobbits run from the farmer on the edge of the Shire and fall down a hill, next to some mushrooms, and then hide under some tree roots from the Nazgul - then flee toward the ferry to Bree.

Coordinates: 41°18'06.0"S 174°47'17.8"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is Queenstown - Dart River Valley.

Harcourt Park

Lord of the Rings Location - “Isengard Gardens”

Gandalf walks with Saruman in the garden of Isengard to talk to him about the ring. This is also the location where orcs are tearing down trees.

Coordinates: 41°06'04.0"S 175°05'38.8"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Ohakune.

Former Fort Dorset

Lord of the Rings Location - “Bree”

This was used as the town of Bree, where the hobbits went after escaping down the river from the Black Riders.

Coordinates: 41°19'36.0"S 174°50'12.5"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at the Field near Te Anau (South Island).

Rivendell, Kaitoke Regional Park north of Wellington, New Zealand

Rivendell, Kaitoke Regional Park north of Wellington, New Zealand

Kaitoke Regional Park

Lord of the Rings Location - “Rivendell”

In “The Fellowship of the Ring”, Frodo wakes up in Rivendell after Arwen raced him to safety across the river. Some of the structures for Rivendell were created in this area, near a waterfall and beside the river.

Additionally, this is also the where Éomer finds a mortally wounded Théodred in Rohan, among many other dead, in “The Two Towers Extended Edition”. You can view the location from the bridge near the Waterworks parking lot.

Coordinates: 41°03'26.3"S 175°11'39.9"E

The next “Fellowship of the Ring” location is at a Hill near Wanaka (South Island).

The Dimholt Road. Simeon W from Wellington, New Zealand, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Dimholt Road

Putangirua Pinnacles: Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli ride to meet the Army of the Dead.

Pinnacles track
Putangirua Pinnacles, Aorangi Forest Park

Coordinates: 41° 26.861'S 175° 14.674'E - view in Google maps (external site)
Access: Walk-in access from Whatarangi Rd

>In addition to being the nation's capital, Wellington is the home of Stone Street Studios where much of the movies were filmed. It's also the home of the Weta Cave, which is the legendary studio of special effects where much of the magic was born. Only 20 minutes from downtown Wellington, the Weta Cave is a must-stop destination for anyone who is a fan of the films. Inside this iconic compound of creative imagination, you can come face-to-face with replicas of the characters and learn about how they were brought to life on screen.

Though access to the Cave is open to the public, you can also visit as part of a tour which spends the day traveling to filming sights around Wellington. For Lord of the Rings fans, spend the morning touring the Gardens of Isengard and the walk along the banks of the Great River Anduin. After passing the site of famous Helm's Deep, attend the workshop at the Weta Cave for a full day of immersion in Middle Earth magic.<

Although not a filming location, definitely a must for any die hard LOTR fan is a stop at The One Room Fan Museum. It showcases a 50-year passion for Lord of the Rings. Contact Kathy at for a private tour, featuring a 30-minute video and hours of free costume reenactments. Explore LOTR memorabilia and interact with replica weapons in recreated scenes from the films. Experience Kathy's genuine excitement through authentic photo opportunities and the opportunity to view special items from other fans and even Weta Workshop. If you're a devoted fan of anything, especially J.R.R. Tolkien's works, you'll appreciate her dedication.

Shire Outskirts, Canaan Downs, Tasman, New Zealand

Shire Outskirts, Canaan Downs, Tasman, New Zealand

The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: South Island Guide

LOTR New Zealand: Tasman - Nelson - Marlborough Region

Canaan Downs

Hobbit Location - “Shire Outskirts”, the “Woods near Beorn’s House”, “Shire Outskirts”

In “An Unexpected Journey”, The Company leaves the Shire on their way to Trollshaw Forest.

This location is also used in “The Desolation of Smaug” where the Dwarves are running through the woods away from Beorn, who is in the shape of a giant bear, and across a field toward Beorn's house.

Additionally, it is also used in “The Fellowship of the Ring” for the part where Frodo and Sam are walking out of the Shire - and also for the part where Aragorn leads the Hobbits away from Bree.

Coordinates: 40°57'42.5"S 172°53'03.9"E

The next location in “An Unexpected Journey” is at the Cliff Path near Kaihoka Lakes.
The next location in “The Desolation of Smaug” is at Queenstown - Paradise Hillside.
The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Mount Victoria Park (North Island).

Cliff Path near Kaihoka Lakes

Hobbit Location - “Cliff Path in Shire Outskirts”

Thorin’s Company continues into a valley along a narrow path while riding their ponies.

Coordinates: 40°32'34.9"S 172°36'07.6"E

The next location in “An Unexpected Journey” is Piopio (North Island).

Dock on Forest River, Pelorus River, Marlborough, New Zealand

Dock on Forest River, Pelorus River, Marlborough, New Zealand

Pelorus Bridge - Pelorus River

Hobbit Location 9 - “Dock on Forest River”

This is the location where The Company meets Bard in “The Desolation of Smaug” after riding down the river in barrels and escaping the orcs, while taking a break on the shore.

In The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, the epic scene where the dwarves plummet down the river in barrels was filmed down Pelorus River in Marlborough. You can take an epic kayaking tour to the exact filming location or get the idea of it safely from the river banks!

Location: The Pelorous River can be seen from Havelock, Canvastown and along State Highway 6 in the area,Marlborough, South Island.

“This is where the iconic sequence of the Dwarves escaping from the Elves in the barrels was shot. It was one of the most memorable scenes from the second film, and one the actors all said was among most enjoyable to act. The pure river cuts through a rocky gorge, surrounded by lush, green, native beech forest, and is another location that seemed to have been made perfectly by nature for this very scenario. You can easily get to the place where filming took place by driving from Blenheim. While you’re at it, why not treat yourself to a winery tour?”

>An hour west of the famous Marlborough vineyards -- though not quite as far as the sunny coast of Nelson -- Pelorus River is the only site in New Zealand where a collection of dwarves have rafted a river in wine barrels. The Pelorus River was used as an escape plan as a way to free the dwarves from Elvish imprisonment, and today is best visited as part of a guided kayak tour. For those who want to spend more time in the area, there is also a campground not far from the Pelorus Bridge where you can sit by the riverbank and re-enact the scene.<

*Peter Jackson chose the Pelorus River to film the dwarves in barrels scene that appears in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Here, the dwarves were filmed floating in giant barrels down the river. Stephen Hunter, who played dwarf Bombur, called this experience 'his favourite day on set'. You can experience this exact location for yourself with an easy riverside walk, or take a guided kayak tour.*

Coordinates: 41°17'53.4"S 173°34'17.5"E

The next location in “The Desolation of Smaug” is Aorere River near Salisbury Falls.

Aorere River near Salisbury Falls

Hobbit Location - “Forest River Outflow”

This is the location where Legolas and Tauriel track the orcs that are chasing the Dwarves, to the place where the Forest River meets the Long Lake.

Coordinates: 40°48'09.2"S 172°32'04.5"E

The next location in “The Desolation of Smaug” is at the Rock and Pillar Range.

Mount Olympus near Boulder Lake - Kahurangi National Park

Lord of the Rings Location - “Rocky Outcrop south of Rivendell”

In “The Fellowship of the Ring”, The Fellowship hides here from Saruman's black crows, the crebain.

Access: Challenging walk-in only (unmarked)
Coordinates: 40° 53.456'S 172° 30.654'E - view in Google maps (external site)
Alternate Coordiates also provided: 40°53'27.3"S 172°30'39.4"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Queenstown - Jura Glacier.

Mount Owen - Kahurangi National Park

Lord of the Rings Location - “Dimrill Gate”

After losing Gandalf in the goblin ridden cave / mountain pass, The Fellowship exits the Mines of Moria through the east gate and cries on the ledges before Aragorn commands them to move on toward the forest of Lothlorien.

Access: Walk-in Only, via the Mount Owen route
Coordinates: 41° 33.493'S 172° 32.401'E - view in Google maps (external site)

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Queenstown - Lake Alta.

*New Zealand’s sunniest region, Nelson Tasman, provided the backdrop for several locations in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The exact locations were filmed on private property, but visitors can get a good feel for these locations with a horse trek. Ride across neighbouring private farmland to the dramatic cliff drop which offers spectacular coastal views over Golden Bay.*

Twizel, Canterbury, New Zealand

Twizel, Canterbury, New Zealand

The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: Canterbury Region


Hobbit Location - Multiple Locations

Braemar Station

Hobbit Location 3 - “Lonelands”

In “An Unexpected Journey”, after the encounter with the Trolls ended, Radagast came to deliver some news to Gandalf. Gandalf realized they were being hunted by Orcs on Wargs, the evil dogs, and decided to lead the dwarves toward a passage while Radagast distracted them by running around with his rabbits. This filming location, near Breamar Station, was used for the open field that was mostly just grassland, and then continues with the area in Strath Taieri - where the rocks are located.

Coordinates: 43°55'08.7"S 170°14'28.5"E

The next filming location in “An Unexpected Journey” is at Strath Taieri (South Island).

Lake Pukaki - Mt. Cook Area

Hobbit Location 10 - “Shores of the Long Lake”

In “The Desolation of Smaug”, this lake and Southern Alp backdrop, including Mt. Cook, was used as Lake-town. It was also used for the forest slopes of the Misty Mountains.

In “The Battle of the Five Armies”, this is where refugees from Lake-town set up a temporary camp on the shores of the Long Lake after their home is destroyed by Smaug, and where they commend Bard on shooting him down.

Coordinates: 44°01'13.4"S 170°11'44.8"E

The next location in “The Battle of the Five Armies” is at the Rock & Pillar Range.

Twizel is also the location of Gondor’s battle scene in The Lord of the Rings. Tour providers, like One Ring Tours, take keen fans to the actual Hobbit filming locations along with props and costume.

Location: Access via State Highway 8, Canterbury, South Island

>Small group Hobbit tours visit filming locations around Twizel, which itself is located over three hours from Christchurch. For those who are staying in the city of Christchurch, you can also take a Lord of the Rings tour to Mt. Sunday which was used as the setting for the city of Edoras.<

*Twizel's alpine magic was captured on-film in both The Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Part of the Wargs chase was filmed here; and the largest battle scene ever - the Battle of the Pelennor Fields - was set in a remote Twizel field. Twizel is home to a charming mountain town, and a road trip around the local area will give you a feel for the spectacular scenes that were filmed here.*

*Mount Cook and it's surrounding alpine peaks are used in the backdrop of some of the aerial filming in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Visit Aoraki Mount Cook National Park for a range of walking tracks and scenic views.*

Strath Taieri, Middlemarch, New Zealand

Strath Taieri, Middlemarch, New Zealand

Strath Taieri

Hobbit Location 4 & 7 - “Lonelands”

As the Dwarves were being chased by the Wargs, the orcs on dogs, after the encounter with the Trolls in Trollshaw Forest. The Brown Wizard, Radagast, distracted the Wargs by running around in this area to lead the Wargs away from the Dwarves. This filming location was the part that had many rocks in the field, where they ended up being led by Gandalf into the passage that led them to Rivendell.

“This was also used in the same chase sequence between the Dwarves and the Wargs. The vistas here are punctuated by rock formations that provided fantastic natural obstacles for Jackson to direct the actors through. If you get the chance, a great way to view this area is from the air. You really get a sense of how vast and open the land is, and the rocks look like they’ve been scattered across the grasslands by a careless giant.”

>Located an hour outside the city of Dunedin, Strath Taieri and the Rock and Pillar Range are the remote outposts used for many of the chase scenes. The Hobbit cast members were forced to use helicopters to access many of the locations, although physically-fit hikers can access the craggy ridgeline by a series of walking tracks which weave through the hills.<

Coordinates: 45°34'49.9"S 170°05'37.6"E

The next filming location in “An Unexpected Journey” is at Queenstown - Passburn Valley.

Rock and Pillar Range, Middlemarch, New Zealand

Rock and Pillar Range, Middlemarch, New Zealand

Rock & Pillar Range

Hobbit Location 7 - “The Desolation of Smaug”

After leaving Lake-town, The Company crosses over a desolate field on their way to Erebor. This landscape, left charred by Smaug, fits the name of the film “The Desolation of Smaug”.

The dwarves who stayed behind in Lake-town finally get to travel to Erebor as well in “The Battle of the Five Armies”, and they walk through this range to join the rest of The Company.

Coordinates: 45°15'21.7"S 170°07'10.6"E

The next location in “The Desolation of Smaug” is Turoa Skifield (North Island). The next location in “The Battle of the Five Armies” is at Te Anau Downs Station.

Edoras, Mount Sunday, near Christchurch, New Zealand

Edoras, Mount Sunday, near Christchurch, New Zealand


Mount Sunday: The capital of Rohan and home to Meduseld, the hall of King Theoden.

Hakatere Conservation Park


Access to view point: Hakatere Potts Rd
Access to Edoras: Hakatere Potts Rd, walk up Mount Sunday

Misty Mountains, Earnslaw Burn

Misty Mountains, Earnslaw Burn, by Jeff Hitchcock, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: Queenstown / Otago Region

Hobbit Location 5 - Multiple Locations

>Known to most travelers as the adventure capital of New Zealand, areas around Queenstown were also the setting for some of the film's most dramatic vistas. On the outskirts of town, The Remarkables mountain range which is so popular with skiing also served as the setting for the mysterious Misty Mountains.<

Passburn Valley - Passburn Track - Pass Burn

Mentioned in Hobbit Locations 1 - “Foothills of the Misty Mountains” and “Wildlands Hilltop”

On their way to the Misty Mountains, The Company travels through this passage through the countryside in “An Unexpected Journey”.

It is also used in “The Desolation of Smaug” for the part where The Company leaves Beorn’s house and rides over a hilltop towards Mirkwood.

You too can approach the Misty Mountains just like Bilbo by doing the Mavora-Greenstone Walkway, specifically on the section between the Greenstone Hut and Pass Burn. This is a 50km, 4-day hike from the Mavora Lakes campsite to Greenstone Road End, near Glenorchy.

Location: The Mavora-Track is between the Te Anau area and Queenstown area, South Island. Access from the Te Anau side is from Mavora Lakes Park.

Coordinates: 45°00'36.2"S 168°15'03.9"E

The next filming location in “An Unexpected Journey” is at Queenstown - Earnslaw Burn. The next filming location for “The Desolation of Smaug” is Te Anau Downs Station - Edge of Mirkwood.

Earnslaw Burn

Mentioned in Hobbit Locations 1 - “Misty Mountains”

After departing Rivendell, in “An Unexpected Journey”, The Company makes their way up some slopes along the Misty Mountains.

It is also used in “The Desolation of Smaug” where Gandalf speaks with Radagast to confirm that The Nine were freed.

Remember that time Bilbo and the crew left Rivendell and there were all those pretty waterfalls? Well, that was in the Glenorchy valley of Earnslaw Burn. You can either see the valley by chopper or hike the 8-12 hour return Earnslaw Burn Track. Find out more in our Lord of the Rings Locations in Queenstown.

Location: The Earnslaw Burn Track starts on the left bank of the Earnslaw Burn on the Glenorchy-Paradise Road, 20 minutes from Glenorchy, Otago, South Island.

“Here, Bilbo and The Company are filmed continuing on their quest after departing Rivendell. You can actually re-enact their journey, if you’re feeling adventurous, and tackle the Earnslaw Burn Track – beginning in Glenorchy. It’s a challenging four-hour hike that rewards with spectacular views at the head of the valley over the glacier and beyond. Understandably, the area surrounding Queenstown was also used for the start of the journey into the Misty Mountains. You don’t need us to explain why.”

>An hour to the west of Queenstown, not far from the town of Glenorchy, Earnslaw Burn is the name of the glacier where Bilbo and company visit when leaving Rivendell. Today, visitors can walk in the footsteps of The Hobbit by lacing up their hiking boots and walking the Earnslaw Burn Track. Along this walk through the Southern Alps, glacial waterfalls cascade their way down mountains with such dramatic splendor that they seem to spill from the sky.<

*One of the most magical locations in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey; Earnslaw Burn is a glacier that has created a number of cascading waterfalls that tumble down a huge rock face. Here, Bilbo and The Company are filmed continuing on their quest after departing Rivendell. The Earnslaw Burn Track - beginning in Glenorchy - is a challenging 4-hour hike that rewards with spectacular views at the head of the valley over the glacier and beyond.

Passburn was used for the approach to Misty Mountains and Passburn Track on the Mavora Walkway - one section of New Zealand’s national walkway Te Araroa - is open to the public.*

Coordinates: 44°38'52.5"S 168°24'25.3"E

The next filming location in “An Unexpected Journey” is at Queenstown - Treble Cone. The next location in “The Desolation of Smaug” is at Pelorus Bridge.

Treble Cone

Hobbit Locations - “Misty Mountains Ridge”

Located on a ridge above the ski area of Treble Cone is the area where the Dwarves leave Rivendale and walk through the Misty Mountains. The ski area that was used for the pathways is only accessible during the winter, but the access road is also open during the summer.

*Alpine Peaks in the Wanaka region was also described as 'Wild Country' for the first film and provided the backdrop for soaring eagles.*

Location: Treble Cone is along the Wanaka-Mt Aspiring Road, 23km from Wanaka.
Coordinates: 44°40'45.3"S 168°49'23.2"E

The next filming location in “An Unexpected Journey” is at Fiordland National Park - Sutherland Falls.

Beorn’s Place, Paradise Hillside, near Glenorchy, New Zealand

Beorn’s Place, Paradise Hillside, near Glenorchy, New Zealand

Paradise Hillside

Hobbit Locations 8 - “Beorn’s Place”

In “The Desolation of Smaug”, The Company takes refuge inside Beorn’s home while being chased by him as he is in the shape of a massive bear.

Coordinates: 44°42'55.1"S 168°21'13.8"E

The next filming location in “The Desolation of Smaug” is at Queenstown - Passburn Valley.

South Slope of Niger Peak

Hobbit Locations - “Path to the High Fells”

On his way to the High Fells, Gandalf hikes up a hillside.

Coordinates: 44°31'42.9"S 168°50'25.3"E The next location in “The Desolation of Smaug” is at Fiordland National Park - Organ Pipes.

The Gladden Fields, Arrowtown, New Zealand

The Gladden Fields, Arrowtown, New Zealand

Arrowtown Recreational Reserve

Lord of the Rings Location - “The Gladden Fields”

In the prologue of “The Fellowship of the Ring”, this is the location where Islidur - after capturing The One Ring and keeping it for himself - is killed by Orcs and gets lost in the Anduin River.

Coordinates: 44°56'19.3"S 168°50'19.6"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Hobbiton (North Island).

Warg Attack at the Hill Above Helm’s Deep, Rohan, Deer Park Heights, Queenstown

Warg Attack at the Hill Above Helm’s Deep, Rohan, Deer Park Heights, Queenstown

Deer Park Heights

Lord of the Rings Location - “Minas Tirith Overlook” , “Rohan Lake”, “Warg Attack”, the “Hill Above Helm’s Deep”, and the exit from “The Paths of the Dead”

As Gandalf rides over a hill in “The Fellowship of the Ring”, Minas Tirith - the fortified capital of the kingdom of Gondor- becomes visible in the distance.

In “The Two Towers” it is used in a number of shots - where the people of Rohan walk around a lake, stop for a bite to eat, and are attacked by Wargs on their way to Helms Deep - and where they come down a hill just before reaching Helms Deep. The filming for the shots where the Warg battle occurs on the top of the hill is probably easiest to recognize. The spot where Aragorn falls off the cliff into the river is nearby as well.

In “The Return of the King” it is used in two shots - when Gandalf rides over a hill on horseback while he brings Pippin to Minas Tirith - Gondor - and for the exit from the Paths of the Dead, where Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas emerge.

Interestingly, this location is also used in X-Men Origins: Wolverine for “Wolverines Cabin”

Coordinates: 45°02'25.1"S 168°43'25.8"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Otaki Gorge Road (North Island).

Dart River Valley

Lord of the Rings Location - “Wizard’s Vale”

This valley is used in all three Lord of the Rings films as the basis of Isengard, but it was digitally altered to the point that it is hardly recognizable.

Coordinates: 44°44'49.7"S 168°19'06.4"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Queenstown - Dan’s Paddock.

Edge of Isengard, Paradise, New Zealand

Edge of Isengard, Paradise, New Zealand

Dan’s Paddock

Lord of the Rings Location - “Edge of Isengard”

As he approaches Isengard in “The Fellowship of the Ring”, Gandalf rides through the woods. Gandalf rides up to Isengard in Nan Curunír.

Coordinates: 44°40'22.6"S 168°20'28.8"E - view in Google maps (external site) 
Access: Glenorchy Paradise Rd

Rees-Dart Track
Mount Aspiring National Park

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Harcourt Park (North Island).

Scene 17 Vineyard

Lord of the Rings Location - “Great East Road”

Arwen runs off on horseback with a dying Frodo toward Rivendell while being chased by the Black Riders. Both sides of the road were used for shooting this scene.

Coordinates: 44°51'03.4"S 169°20'57.6"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Skippers Canyon Ford.

Ford of Bruinen. Image by Josh20152015 from Pixabay

Skippers Canyon Ford

Lord of the Rings Location - “Ford of Bruinen”

Arwen crosses the river on horseback and the Nazgûl demand that she give Frodo to them. She mocks them and calls upon the protection of her people to cause the river to rise and sweep the Nazgûl downstream.

Access: Skippers Road
Coordinates: 44° 50.724'S 168° 41.054'E - view in Google maps (external site)

The next location for “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Kaitoke Regional Park (North Island).

Hill near Wanaka

Lord of the Rings Location - “Ruins of Hill”

As they walk around the top of a hill after leaving Rivendell, The Fellowship passes by some ruins.

Coordinates: 44°38'27.4"S 168°59'01.9"E

The next location for “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Mount Olympus near Boulder Lake.

Jura Glacier

Lord of the Rings Location - “Slopes of Caradhras”

In “The Fellowship of the Ring”, as The Fellowship attempts to avoid Saruman’s black crows, they climb up the edge of the Misty Mountain through snow toward Caradhras. Frodo falls and drops his ring, but Boromir ultimately returns it.

Coordinates: 44°33'56.5"S 168°24'39.0"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is Mount Owen.

Dimrill Dale, leaving the Mines of Moria, Lake Alta near Queenstown

Dimrill Dale, leaving the Mines of Moria, Lake Alta near Queenstown

Lake Alta

Lord of the Rings Location - “Dimrill Dale”

In “The Fellowship of the Ring”, after leaving the Mines of Moria, The Fellowship takes a momentary pause then continues onward passing a lake on their way to the Lothlorien Forest.

Coordinates: 45°03'48.4"S 168°48'41.3"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Queenstown - Paradise Forest Glade.

Edge of the Lothlorien Forest, Paradise Forest Glade in Glenorchy, New Zealand

Edge of the Lothlorien Forest, Paradise Forest Glade in Glenorchy, New Zealand

Paradise Forest Glade

Lord of the Rings Location - “Edge of Lothlorien”

This is the location where The Fellowship enters Lothlorien Forest after coming down from Dimrill Dale, the cliffside where they exited from the Mines of Moria.

Coordinates: 44°39'26.2"S 168°20'07.2"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Queenstown - Paradise.


Lord of the Rings Location - “Lothlorien” and “Amon Hen” (see also Seven Mile Point for “Amon Hen”)

This is the location where the Wood Elves ambush The Fellowship as they are walking through the outskirts of Lothlorien Forest.

It is also listed as the filming location for “The Fellowship of the Ring” scene where the Uruk-Hai attack The Fellowship after Boromir tries to take the ring from Frodo. Boromir is killed by the Uruk-Hai, and Pippin and Merry are captured.

Note: This site is also used in X-Men Origins: Wolverine for the “Chase through Forest” scene.

Coordinates: 44°39'13.7"S 168°20'04.7"E - Exact location is unknown
Alternate coordinates for the location of Amon Hen: -45.0635415, 168.5724502

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” - after Lothlorien - is at Fernside. The next location after Amon Hen is back to North Mavora Lake.

Misty Mountains Waterfall, Sutherland Falls

Misty Mountains Waterfall, Sutherland Falls, by Ray Hayward, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: Fiordland National Park

Sutherland Falls

Hobbit Location - “Misty Mountains Waterfall”

The Eagles save Bilbo, Gandalf and the Dwarves then fly over Fiordland National Park, we mean, somewhere in Middle Earth. The best way to enjoy this view would be with a scenic flight taking off from Queenstown, Wanaka, Te Anau, Invercargill or Milford Sound.

>Finally, the filming of The Hobbit could never be complete without a series of scenes featuring footage from Fiordland. Of all the footage which was gathered from Fiordland, the iconic landmark which is immediately recognizable is 1,900 ft. Sutherland Falls. Located along the trail for the Milford Track, this awe-inspiring waterfall forms the dramatic backdrop for when the hobbits are soaring on the backs of eagles.

Even though the sets -- with the exception of Hobbiton -- have been completely dismantled since completion of the films, movie fans are guaranteed to be touched by the magic of walking in the beauty of the footsteps of The Hobbit. After all, New Zealand is a real place, and while it might now be crawling in dwarves and orcs, standing in the surroundings leaves little to the imagination.<

Interesting note: “Mission: Impossible - Fallout” was also filmed here.

Coordinates: 44°48'03.9"S 167°43'43.9"E

The next filming location in “An Unexpected Journey” is at Fiordland National Park - Organ Pipes.

Organ Pipes - The Southern Alps

Hobbit Location - “Misty Mountains Peaks” and “High Fells”

The Eagles fly with The Company after saving them from Azog the Defiler and the other Orcs on Wargs. Around sunrise, they fly over this line of peaks.

This is also the location in “The Desolation of Smaug” where Gandalf climbs a dangerous stairway into the tombs of The Nine and meets up with Radagast.

Coordinates: 44°32'10.4"S 168°43'12.6"E

The next filming location in “An Unexpected Journey” is at Fiordland National Park - David’s Knoll. The next location in “The Desolation of Smaug” is Queenstown - Earnslaw Burn.

David’s Knoll

Hobbit Location - “Carrock”

David’s Knoll was altered slightly for the film to depict the rocky spire where the Eagles dropped off the Dwarves after rescuing them from the Wargs at the end of “An Unexpected Journey”.

David’s Knoll coordinates: 44°46'57"S   167°39'37"E

The final filming location for “An Unexpected Journey” is near Glenorchy, for “The Wildlands” and is unknown - possibly near Mararoa Saddle (see listing below). The first filming location for “The Desolation of Smaug” is at Te Anau Downs Station.

The Dead Marshes, Kepler Mire near Te Anau, New Zealand

The Dead Marshes, Kepler Mire near Te Anau, New Zealand

Kepler Mire - The Dead Marshes

Lord of the Rings Location - “Marshes”

This location, was used in “The Fellowship of the Ring” where Aragorn brings all four of the hobbits through the marshes outside of Bree.

It is also said to be used in “The Two Towers” as the spot here Gollum guides Frodo and Sam through the swamp - and where Gollum saves Frodo when he falls into a pool with the dead. 

Access: Manapouri Te Anau Highway
Coordinates: 45° 29.567'S 167° 41.897'E - view in Google maps (external site)
Another source puts it at 45°29'35.8"S 167°41'29.4"E

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at a Hilltop near Port Waikato (North Island).

*Both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogies used the majestic Fiordland National Park for epic scenic shots. The scene where The Company flees the mountains on the backs of eagles in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was filmed here also. Experience giant fiords and spectacular waterfalls with a helicopter flight or boat cruise. 

The grasslands of Te Anau Downs provided the backdrop for chase scenes, while Mararoa Saddle doubled as the wildlands which Thorin leads the dwarves through.*

Twelve Mile Delta near Queenstown, New Zealand

Twelve Mile Delta near Queenstown, New Zealand

Ithilien camp

Twelve Mile Delta: Frodo, Sam and Gollum watch the battle between Faramir's Rangers of Gondor and the men (and Oliphaunts) of Harad. Sam and Gollum discuss coney cookery.

Twelve Mile Delta to Bob's Cove Track
Twelve Mile Delta Campsite
Queenstown area


Access: Glenorchy Queenstown Rd

The Argonath on the Anduin River

Kawarau Suspension Bridge: The Fellowship pass the Pillars of the Kings on the Anduin River.

Queenstown area

Coordinates: 45° 0.711'S 168° 53.567'E - view in Google maps (external site)
Access: Chard Rd, off Gibbston Highway

Dimrill Dale

Lake Alta: Dimrill Dale, after the Fellowship exits the Mines of Moria.

Lake Alta Track

Coordinates: 45° 03'46.8"S 168°48'41.2"E - view in Google maps (external site) 
Access: On the eastern side of Lake Wakatipu, turn off SH6 at the signposted junction to the Remarkables ski area. 

Anduin River, near Lake Manapouri, Te Anau

Anduin River, near Lake Manapouri, Te Anau

The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: Southland Region 

Nokomai Bog

Mentioned in Hobbit Locations 1

Located just next to Nokomai Station, south of Kingston, this is a flashback shot of when dwarven refugees from Erebor wander between the pools in a bog after loosing their homeland to Smaug.

Coordinates: 45°19'03.7"S 168°53'31.9"E

Mararoa Saddle

Hobbit Location

After the destruction of Erebor by Smaug, Thorin stands on a hilltop after leading a group of Dwarves through the wilderness.

Coordinates: 45°06'59.8"S 168°14'22.8"E

Te Anau Downs Station

Hobbit Location - “Wildlands” and the “Edge of Mirkwood”

On their way out of the Misty Mountains in “The Desolation of Smaug”, The Company runs over a stream and through a field of flowers. In the same film, it is also used for a part where The Company enters Mirkwood through the Elven Gate, as Gandalf rides toward the High Fells, however, most of this scene was re-created in the studio.

This location is also used for part of the scenes where Gandalf leads Bilbo back to The Shire in “The Battle of the Five Armies”.

Coordinates: 45°10'44.0"S 167°52'29.4"E

The next filming location in “The Desolation of Smaug” is at Canaan Downs. For the part after entering Mirkwood, the next location is Mirkwood Forest (Other Locations). The next location in “The Battle of the Five Armies” is at Ohutu Station (North Island).

Field near Te Anau

Lord of the Rings Location - “East-West Road”

This is the location where Aragorn tells the hobbits that “second breakfast” is not going to happen and throws an apple to Merry and Pippin as he continues onward.

Coordinates: 45°19'43.9"S 167°46'47.3"E - Exact location is unknown.

The next location in “The Fellowship of the Ring” is at Fiordland National Park - Kepler Mire.

Nen Hithoel, Mavora Lakes Park

Nen Hithoel, Mavora Lakes Park by Jeff Hitchcock, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Nen Hithoel

North Mavora Lake: The Fellowship moor at the side of the lake at the end of their journey down the Anduin. The hobbits hide from the Uruk-hai.

Mavora Lakes Park
Mavora Lakes Campsite


Access: Mavora Lakes Rd

Silverlode and Anduin rivers

Mararoa River swingbridge at South Mavora Lake: The Fellowship leave Lothlórien.

Mavora Lakes Park

Coordinates: 45° 18.970'S 168° 10.744'E - view in Google maps (external site)
Access: Mavora Lakes Rd

The Edge of Fangorn Forest

Mavora Lakes: Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli follow Merry and Pippin's trail from the mound of burnt orc bodies left by Eomer's Riders of Rohan.

Mavora Lakes Park

Coordinates: 45° 19.968'S 168° 10.404'E - view in Google maps (external site)
Access: Mavora Lakes Rd

South of Rivendell

Norwest Lakes, near St Paul's Dome: The Fellowship move south out of Rivendell.

Mavora Lakes Park
Fiordland National Park

Coordinates: 45° 25.358'S 167° 20.800'E - view in Google maps (external site)
Access: Challenging walk-in only (unmarked) 

Fangorn Forest, Bog Pine Paddock near Ta Anau, New Zealand

Fangorn Forest, Bog Pine Paddock near Ta Anau, New Zealand

Fangorn Forest

Bog Pine Paddock: Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli meet Gandalf the White.

Snowdon Forest

Coordinates: 45° 21.087'S 167° 54.477'E - view in Google maps (external site)
Access: Takaro Rd 

Anduin River

Waiau River: The opening aerial shot of The Fellowship of the Ring showing the forested banks of the Anduin River.

Fiordland National Park
Kepler Track

Coordinates: 45° 29.755'S 167° 40.159'E - view in Google maps (external site)
Access: Rainbow Reach Rd, off Manapouri Te Anau Highway

Ered Nimrais, Mount Gunn near the Franz Josef Glacier

Ered Nimrais, Mount Gunn near the Franz Josef Glacier

The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: West Coast Region

Ered Nimrais

Mount Gunn, near Franz Josef Glacier: The beacons that run along The White Mountains from Gondor to Rohan are lit.

Franz Josef Glacier

Coordinates for view of Mt Gunn: 43° 25.720'S 170° 10.105'E - view in Google maps (external site)
 Views of location may be possible from the Franz Josef Glacier Valley access track. Turn off State Highway 6, 500m south of Franz Josef Village onto the Franz Josef Glacier access road until you reach the car park. Then follow the glacier access track. An alternative would be to take a scenic flight.

Gandalf at the Weta Caves in Wellington, New Zealand

Gandalf at the Weta Caves in Wellington, New Zealand

The LOTR New Zealand Adventure Concludes

We truly hope that you enjoyed having these locations handy! Let us know if anything is off by leaving a message in the comments section below and we’ll go ahead and fix it. If you have any questions about locations, feel free to post them in the comments below and we’ll answer them.

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The Lord of the Rings Film Locations: FAQs

How can I book a guided tour of the filming locations and how much does it cost?

There are several tour operators that offer different packages and prices for visiting the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit sites in New Zealand. Some of the most popular ones are Red Carpet Tours, Rover Tours, and Nomad Safaris. The cost of the tours depends on the duration, the destinations, the transportation, and the accommodation options. For example, Red Carpet Tours offers a 14-day tour that covers all the major filming locations for $6,495 NZD per person, while Rover Tours offers a half-day tour of Hobbiton for $114 NZD per person.

What are the best times of the year to visit the filming locations and what kind of weather can I expect?

The answer to this question may vary depending on your personal preferences and the specific locations you plan to visit. However, generally speaking, New Zealand has four seasons: spring (September to November), summer (December to February), autumn (March to May), and winter (June to August). The weather can be unpredictable and change quickly, so it is advisable to check the forecast and pack accordingly. Some of the filming locations may be more accessible or scenic in certain seasons, such as the Tongariro National Park, which is the setting for Mordor and Mount Doom, and can be covered in snow in winter or green in summer.

What are some other attractions or activities that I can enjoy in New Zealand besides the filming locations?

New Zealand is a diverse and beautiful country that offers a lot of opportunities for adventure, culture, and nature lovers. Some of the other attractions or activities that a reader might enjoy are: exploring the geothermal wonders and Maori culture in Rotorua, experiencing the thrill of bungee jumping, skydiving, or jet boating in Queenstown, visiting the stunning Milford Sound and Fiordland National Park, or discovering the vibrant cities of Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. New Zealand has something for everyone, whether they are fans of the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies or not.

In front of Edoras, Rohan

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