Try our interactive remote career planer

A fun little quiz to help you choose the highest paying remote career that fits your background and desires - over 50 different remote careers!

Remote Career Quiz
Question 1 of ...

What is your current technical skill level?

For a high-paying remote role, would you be willing to retrain to advance your technical skills?

How would you rate your communication skills?

What is your preferred work style?

What is the lowest salary you are willing to accept?

How comfortable are you with advanced math concepts (linear algebra, probability, statistics, etc.)?

Which industries do you have experience in? (Select all that apply)

What is your experience level?

How would you rate your communication skills?

Separtely, would you be willing to retrain for a NON-tech role if necessary?

What is your preferred work style?

What is the lowest salary you are willing to accept?

Your Recommended Remote Careers

Interactive Remote Career Planner©


We simplify the journey to financial independence by combining high-paying remote jobs, geoarbitrage, and a life of adventure.

Imagine waking up to breathtaking views, working remotely from inspiring places, and knowing that every step brings you closer to financial freedom. We’re here to help you find the right remote career, live in cost-friendly destinations, and enjoy the journey to early retirement.


Remote work success stories and counting


Average cost savings in geoarbitrage locations


Travelers inspired by our journey

"Thanks to the Remote Coding Bootcamp, I went from a retail job to a remote software role earning three times as much. Now, I’m living in Chiang Mai, saving over 60% of my income each month, living like royalty, and exploring Southeast Asia on the weekends. I never thought financial freedom could feel so exciting!"

Sarah L. - Chiang Mai, Thailand

"Joining this community was the best decision I ever made. I used to think Financial Independence was out of reach, but with my remote role and living in a beautiful, affordable city, I’m not only saving for the future but enjoying the present. This lifestyle gives me freedom and purpose in ways I didn’t know were possible."

Mark T. - Lisbon, Portugal

"Working remotely from Medellín has changed my life. The cost of living is so low that I can save a large portion of my income while still enjoying a high quality of life. The Bootcamp and geoarbitrage service helped me make this possible, and I'm just upset that I spent 18 years living paycheck-to-paycheck before I did this!"

Alicia M. - Medellín, Colombia