Introduction to the
Oil-Gasoline Crack Spread
Add the OGCS to your Investment Strategy
Understand the Oil-Gasoline Crack Spread (OGCS) in greater detail with the Intro to the Crack Spread Getting Started Guide. Inside, you will learn the basic fundamentals necessary to understand the crack spread, why it works, and how you can use it as part of your investment strategy to get returns of over 40 percent per year.
If you do not already know how to place these trades in your own account, don’t worry!
The OGCS Getting Started Guide
A step-by-step guide that provides everything that you need to get set up and ready to trade the Oil-Gasoline Crack Spread in your own accounts.
The OGCS Getting Started Guide makes the setup process, and the learning gap to placing crack spread trades, easy.
Here is what is included in the guide:
1) Choosing a Brokerage Account (if you don’t have one)
2) Setting up your complex watchlists and charts
3) Learning how to trade the Crack Spread in the simulator(s)
You will learn everything that you need to know to make actual live trades - from which brokerage to choose, applying for your account, setup of your spread tracking/monitoring method(s), finding the correct contracts, setting up a simulated trade, and placing a simulated trade.